Surrey foster carers share 'immeasurable rewards of fostering a child with a disability'
Becoming a foster carerfoster careDiagrama foster carers, Peter and Kristin Nevins, from Surrey, have shared their home with four biological children and their 11-year-old foster child Jack* for four years. Here...
Published on 7 September 2022
Fostering in Surrey
Becoming a foster carerfoster careThere is a growing number of children entering the care system in Surrey. These children in need of fostering come from a wide variety of backgrounds and lived experiences, but...
Published on 15 August 2022
Are there different types of foster care?
Becoming a foster carerfoster careThere are many different types of foster care. If you are considering becoming a foster carer and making a huge difference in a child’s life, then it’s worth giving some...
Published on 1 August 2022
Is it possible to switch foster care agencies?
Becoming a foster carerfoster careSwitching foster agenciesIf you are already registered as a foster carer with a local authority or independent fostering agency in the London, Kent, Medway, Surrey and East Sussex areas but you feel...
Published on 1 August 2022How do I become a foster carer?
Becoming a foster carerfoster careBecoming a foster carer is an incredibly rewarding experience. Foster carers have the opportunity to make a life-changing difference to the lives of the children and young people...
Published on 1 August 2022
Being self-employed as a foster carer
Becoming a foster carerfoster careFoster carers are part of a professional team around the child they have in placement. This means foster carers will be required to attend meetings for their foster child and be...
Published on 21 July 2022
Can I adopt my foster child?
Becoming a foster carerfoster careFoster to adoptFostering and adoption are very different, although people often confuse the two. What is foster care? Foster carers provide children with a safe place to stay when they...
Published on 14 July 2022
How to choose the right fostering agency for you
Becoming a foster carerfoster careIf you’ve decided to become a foster carer and make a difference to a child in need of safety and security, then you probably already know that there are a wide range of...
Published on 12 July 2022