How to choose the right fostering agency for you

If you’ve decided to become a foster carer and make a difference to a child in need of safety and security, then you probably already know that there are a wide range of fostering agencies out there in London, Kent, Surrey, and East Sussex.

So, how do you choose the right foster care agency for you and your household?

Do your research on which foster agency is right for you

  • Look online, read testimonials and talk to other foster carers.
  • Look at a foster care agency’s ethos, and what they say about themselves. Check out the types of foster care they specialise in, whether that’s long-term, respite or emergency fostering, caring for sanctuary-seeking children, and so on.
  • Make a shortlist of foster agencies that seem to fit the bill.
  • Are they a profit-making fostering agency? Or are they a non-profit agency that won’t be distracted by shareholder demands?

Get in touch to discuss fostering

Once you have your shortlist, contact your chosen foster care agencies, talk to them on the phone and arrange a meeting with social worker.

Be completely honest with the fostering agency representatives about your reasons for wanting to become a foster carer, your family situation and anything else that you feel is relevant.

Ask questions about the fostering agency

You will probably have a lot of questions to ask the fostering agency, but here are a few ideas to get you started. You might want to know:

  • How big is your fostering agency?
  • What’s your ratio of staff to foster carers?
  • How soon might I receive my first foster placement?
  • How is your foster care training delivered?
  • How much fostering allowance do you pay per child?

Not-for-profit foster care agencies

When you are considering your choice of fostering agency, you’ll see that some independent agencies, like Diagrama Fostering, are run as not-for-profit fostering agencies.

These agencies make a great choice for most prospective foster carers, as they have significant benefits thanks to the not-for-profit model.

Not-for-profit fostering agencies will reinvest any surplus funds generated through their service back into improving the care and support they provide, rather than the funds being channelled out of the service to shareholders.

Chat to Diagrama about becoming a foster carer

Diagrama is a not-for-profit fostering agency. We reinvest in improving our practices so that we are always providing the optimum support to our families and children. Book a 30-minute chat with one of our friendly social workers today. Click here to speak to our team or download our handy information booklet here.

Multi ethnic family of four drawing at the table
Family group of hands cradling a cut out family silouette from white paper

Book a call with a member of our team

We're ready to help you begin your fostering journey. Book an informal intro call with one of our social workers today. We'll tell you more about Diagrama, help you understand if fostering is right for you and answer any questions you may have about the process.

On this informal and confidential introductory call with our social workers you will get to:

  • Discuss your current circumstances to find out if fostering is right for you.
  • Learn about how Diagrama support foster carers with a generous benefits and support package.
  • Ask us any questions you have about fostering.