What do John Lennon, Seal, Cher and Child X have in common?

During their formative years, household names John Lennon, Seal and Cher all spent time in foster care along with thousands of child ‘X’s.

Beatle Lennon was placed in the care of his aunty Mimi; singer Seal was raised by a foster family in Essex until he was four and superstar Cher was placed with a foster family for a short time when she was young. 

Every day, 100 children enter the care system in England and Wales and they all deserve the best care to develop to their full potential. Unfortunately, there are not enough foster carers to allocate every Child ‘X’ with a stable and safe foster care placement - and this needs to change.

Margaret Gardiner, Diagrama Fostering and Adoption Manager said, “Regardless of their circumstances, every child in foster care needs at least one adult in their life to tell them they are important, they have value and they are loved. No child should have to grow up without the experience of a family. Fostering makes the family experience possible.” 

In 2023 Seal told The Guardian,  “I had the benefit of foster parents who loved me for those formative years of my life,” and has been quoted as saying, “My songs are like kids. I love them all. I encourage them to grow, to reach their full potential, and then send them out into the world.”

Margaret continued, “The role that foster carers play in the lives of those they support should never be underestimated. Foster carers not only offer a safe and secure home but they can inspire those in their care to develop to their full potential. Every child is born with unique talents that can be explored if the right conditions are offered. 

“Sadly, there is a desperate shortage of foster carers and we urgently want to talk to people who might have the heart to give a child, or children, a foster home. Maybe you can’t change the whole world, but you can change the whole world of a child in foster care. Deciding to become a foster parent not only helps children and young adults in need of a loving and stable home, but it also improves families and communities and will make your life richer as well.”

Multi ethnic family of four drawing at the table
Family group of hands cradling a cut out family silouette from white paper

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On this informal and confidential introductory call with our social workers you will get to:

  • Discuss your current circumstances to find out if fostering is right for you.
  • Learn about how Diagrama support foster carers with a generous benefits and support package.
  • Ask us any questions you have about fostering.